Following Seas is a cooperative game based in communication and in resource management in a pirate-themed universe filled with dangerous monsters! This innovative mobile game promotes communication, fun in group and in-person interactions.

The players can choose between two main roles: foreman and captain. The foreman describes the monster, communicates situations and attacks the monster, whereas the captain identifies the monster, produces ammunition and fixes cannons.

The monsters are built programmatically from a set of predetermined assets: mouths, body shapes, eyes, tentacles and colors. So, every match the players can be surprised with a totally new monster!

Set sail with us! Fair winds and following seas!

Social Media from Following Seas. Youtube: Following Seas. Facebook: Instagram: @game.followingseas.
Venha jogar! Disponível na App Store:
Following Seas: Mobile game

Following Seas: Mobile game

Following Seas é um jogo cooperativo baseado na comunicação e no manejo de recursos. É um jogo que inova, pois enxerga grande valor no estímulo à Read More
